1. Breathtaking (令人屏息):
The view from the mountaintop was absolutely breathtaking.
2. Exquisite (精緻的):
She wore an exquisite gown to the gala.
3. Spectacular (壯觀的):
The fireworks display was truly spectacular.
4. Majestic (威嚴的):
The castle stood atop the hill, a majestic sight against the sunset.
5. Serene (寧靜的):
The serene lake reflected the clear blue sky.
6. Enchanting (迷人的):
The quaint village was filled with enchanting cottages.
7. Picturesque (如畫的):
We stayed in a picturesque little town nestled in the mountains.
8. Radiant (光芒四射的):
Her radiant smile lit up the room.
9. Lush (蒼翠的):
We hiked through lush forests filled with towering trees.
10. Vibrant (充滿活力的):
The vibrant street market bustled with activity and color.
11. Otherworldly (超凡脫俗的):
The cave was filled with otherworldly formations that seemed to defy explanation.
12. imposing (壯觀的):
The imposing mountain range stretched as far as the eye could see, its peaks shrouded in mist.
Describe a picture/photograph of you that you like
You should say:
Where it was taken/drawn
When it was taken/drawn
Who took/drew it
And explain how you felt about it
I'd like to talk about a photograph that I really love. It was taken about 10 years ago when I travelled in Germany. I remember we went to a lake called Lake King, which was situated in the border of Germany and Austria. The scenery there was breathtaking and spectacular. After arriving, we took a tour boat and got to a place which was totally off the beathen path as there weren't other tourists besides us. After a few minutes walk, we arrived at a little cabin located in the lake connecting by a wooden bridge. That was where this photo was taken. In the background, you could see the lush mountains and serene lake with a little cabin on the left corner of the picture. The whole scene was picturesque, which made my smile in the picture radiant, too. Every time when I look at this photograph, I thought about the imposing mountains and the otherworldly scenery. To me, this photo is enchanting, bringing back all the lovely memories I had when travelling in Germany.