當你被問到: What do you like to do in your free time? 或是What’s your favourite …? 時,你只會回答”I like/ My favourite …. is...”嗎? 以下用法讓你的表達更有深度!! 喜歡I like… 1. I am someone who can’t live without …. e.g. I am someone who can’t live without football. (沒有足球我會死) 2. ….. has always been one of my passions in life. e.g. Cooking has always been one of my passions in life. (烹飪一直都是我的興趣所在) 3. ….. is an important part of my life. e.g. Going to the gym is an important part of my life. (去健身房是我生命中很重要的一件事) 4. I ….. whenever I can! e.g. I learn English whenever I can! (我只要有閒時就會學學英文) 5. I can’t imagine a day without …. e.g. I can’t imagine a day without my grandma’s fried rice. (我無法想像沒有阿嬤炒飯的一天) 6. If there were no …., I would die! e.g. If there were no football in the world, I would die. (沒有足球我會死) *也可以改成 If there were no football in the world, I would be like a walking dead. (如果這世界上沒有足球,我就會如同行屍走肉一般) 普普通通 7. I don’t mind ….. e.g. I don’t mind spending time alone. (我不在意一個人獨處) 不喜歡 8. I am not particularly fond of ….. e.g. I am not particularly fond of doing outdoor activity. (我對於從事戶外活動沒特別的喜歡) *相反為 I am fond of… 9. I don’t really care for ….. e.g. I don’t really care for sports. (我並不喜歡運動) 10. I am not into ….. e.g. I am not into sports. (我並不喜歡運動) 相反為 I am really into … 11. It’s a waste of time/money to ….. e.g. It’s a waste of time to cook. (煮飯是很浪費時間的事) It’s a waste of money to go to karaoke. (去唱歌是很浪費錢的事) 12. …..is not my cup of tea. e.g. Dancing is not my cup of tea. (跳舞不是我的菜) 13. …..really puts me off. e.g. The smell of stinky tofu really puts me off. (臭豆腐的味道令我很反感) 14. I can’t stand ….. e.g. I can’t stand eating organs, such as pig livers. (我無法忍受吃內臟,例如豬肝) 15. I am not a big …..lover. e.g. I am not a big baseball lover. (我並不是很喜歡棒球) 亦可改成 I am not a fan of ... 以上由 Joanna English 整理發布,非經同意請勿任意轉載! #雅思 #口說